
Inclusive AI: How Luminance is helping organisations of all sizes

21 March 2024 | Luminance

Today, Luminance’s ‘legal-grade’ AI is used by over 600 organisations in 70 countries worldwide, including all of the Big Four, a quarter of the world’s largest law firms, and multinational organisations from Koch Industries and Avianca Airlines to Hitachi. But that’s not to say that Luminance is only beneficial to these enterprise customers operating at a mass scale. In fact, Luminance is used by organisations big and small, from two-person legal teams and even businesses with no legal team at all. This is down to a few key things:


A common misconception is that legal technology is too costly for smaller firms. In fact, Luminance’s pricing is based around the size of a company’s contract database, making it cost-effective for organisations of every size, and super easy to scale with growth! What’s more, with Luminance there are never any hidden fees – onboarding, training and uploading are all always included in the upfront price!

Tangible ROI

The cost-savings Luminance enables in the long run speak for themselves. With companies reporting 90% savings on outside counsel spend, think of the benefit for small teams with limited budget! What’s more, thanks to Luminance’s free two-week pilot, any company can see the value for themselves on their own documents, before committing a penny.

Take proSapient as an example… With the business scaling rapidly, the lean legal team turned to Luminance to improve internal efficiency. The results? On day one of using Luminance, the paralegal was redeployed to higher value tasks, and the team are now achieving 40% time-savings on administrative tasks every week.

Instant Deployment

Aside from expenses, smaller organisations can sometimes be wary about wasting valuable time and resources in setting up, training and continually programming software. This is particularly true of legacy, rule-based systems which require lengthy and costly programming and customisation. Luminance’s ‘plug-and-play’ technology is deployed instantly via the cloud, with many users beginning their first review on Luminance within hours.

For example, when Clyde & Co implemented Luminance, the firm was up and running on the platform within 24 hours and experiencing instant value. In fact, after completing just 20 hours of work within the platform, Clyde & Co’s lawyers reported that Luminance’s AI had already learned to identify 19/20 key fields within the uploaded claim forms!

Regardless of the size of the organisation, the size of the legal team, or the volume of documents in need of review, Luminance is delivering unparalleled efficiency gains in terms of time, cost and resource, which any company can undoubtedly benefit from!