
A Day in the Life: Oliver Pour, US Senior Account Executive

7 June 2024 | Oliver Pour

I joined Luminance nearly two years ago after graduating from Boston University. I knew I was interested in pursuing a career in Sales as I’m a people person at heart and thrive in a fast-paced environment. When I heard about Luminance, I could see that they were already scaling rapidly in the UK and were in the process of establishing a strong presence here in the US, so it seemed like an exciting company to join, and that has certainly proved to be true!

After one year as an Account Executive, I was promoted to Senior Account Executive, and now lead a team of three other AEs out of our New York office. Luminance is really focusing on US expansion at the moment, both in terms of hiring and customer base, so there’s always lots going on and tons of opportunities! Here’s what a typical day looks like for me:


I start the day off with a call to check in with my British colleagues across the pond. It’s already the afternoon over there, so they bring me up to speed with any important updates, whether that’s new customers, projects or events that I should know about. For example, today I find out from our marketing team that we're attending a tech summit in New York in a couple of weeks, which will be a great chance to network with buyers and thought leaders in the space.


Every Monday we have our weekly team Sales call with Luminance’s Chief Revenue Officer, where we discuss our current pipeline of opportunities, explore any potential risks and decide how we plan to achieve our goals. This is a great chance to refine our strategy and the close proximity to senior sales leadership is a fantastic learning opportunity. In March, Luminance announced its Series B funding round, and a key focus of this new chapter is growing our US presence even more. I’ve already noticed a shift in how much is happening over here, so there’s always lots to discuss on the call!


I’ve scheduled in some time today to prep for an upcoming Proof of Value with a huge manufacturing company. I’m heading to LA at the end of the week to meet them in person, so I need to work with the Product Specialist on this account to understand their use case. Product Specialists sit at the intersection of the product and our clients, helping organisations to trial and implement our technology. We start out by getting to grips with the problems they’re looking to solve, and then work out how Luminance’s AI can achieve this and how best to present this to the team.


Lunchtime! My team and I head over to the Rockefeller Center which is right next to the office. There are so many choices here, but today we go for Sweetgreen – our favourite salad spot.


Back in the office and feeling energised post-lunch, I set some time aside for prospecting. From reaching out on LinkedIn and working with Inside Sales to generate new opportunities, to checking in with my ongoing leads and existing customers, a key part of the role is keeping up regular contact. The great thing about Luminance’s Legal-Grade™ AI is that it can be used by any organisation, no matter the size, location or industry. With an endless addressable market, the crux of the task lies in targeting the right people, who can most benefit from our game-changing product. For example, we’ve seen a huge increase in manufacturing firms adopting Luminance recently to help manage supply chain disruptions and evolving regulation, so I know this is a good industry to target when prospecting.


Speaking of prospecting, it’s now time to give a demo! I’ve been speaking with the GC of an international pharmaceutical company, and she wants to see first-hand what Luminance can do. A key point of interest for her company is contractual oversight, so I go into extra depth when we get to Luminance’s AI-powered repository, which offers unparalleled insight into a company’s entire document landscape. She loves it! So, we discuss setting up a trial for her company the very next week!


Next on my to-do list is following up from events I’ve attended. I recently got back from CLOC (Corporate Legal Operations Consortium) in Las Vegas, where I met lots of industry experts, so now I need to make sure I capitalise on these opportunities. We attend these kinds of conferences about once a month, and they’re a fantastic chance to meet people in person and capture people’s attention with a live demo.


Finally, I always try to schedule in some time to do my own research. Refining my knowledge of our product and understanding the latest industry trends is key to help me tailor my approach, ensuring I’m delivering our state-of-the-art product to as many people as possible. Luminance is constantly innovating so there are always new features being released – our VP of Product recently gave us a demo of the latest updates and what’s in the pipeline, so I spend some time going over these and thinking how best to position them to prospects and customers.


And tonight, Luminance is hosting a dinner down the road at Avra. We’ve invited 10 General Counsels to discuss the world of AI and how it can be best applied in the legal sphere. I pack up my bag and head on over.

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